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  • Students are expected to be courteous and respectful to the teacher and others at all times.


  • No gum chewing in class.


  • Wash hands before lesson.


  • To ensure a quality lesson, please keep noise level to a minimum while class in progress. If siblings need to play any electronic device, please bring them a headphone.


  • Please do not bring any pet to class. 


  • During the class, if anyone needs to pick up or make a phone call, please do it outside.


  • Please ask before using teacher's personal property.


Tuition Policies:


  • Tuition is prepaid by semester and is due at the first lesson of each semester.


  • When you register for lesson, your time slot is reserved. If you have to miss or reschedule the lesson in any situation, please give your teacher at least 24 hours prior notice. Otherwise no refund or make-up lesson is guaranteed.


  • If you are late for class, teacher has no obligation to extend or reschedule the lesson for you. You will be responsible for the cost of the lesson.


  • If a lesson is late or canceled by teacher, refund or a make-up lesson is guaranteed.




  • Consistent attendance and effort of practice are the keys to improve.



Business Hours

Mon-Fri 9:00am-6:00pm

Sat by appointment



Located in downtown Bellevue, WA



Contact Number


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© 2016 Lingyu Guzheng Studio. All rights reserved. 

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